3 Ways To Maintain Your Independence In A Wheelchair

Being wheelchair-bound makes life more complicated, but it doesn't have to lead to diminished independence or autonomy. With a few modifications and some thoughtful planning, you can remain independent and self-sufficient in a wheelchair, while also being able to get around safely and comfortably. Here are three ways to maintain your independence in a wheelchair:

Sign Up for Wheelchair Transport Services

Wheelchair transport services help you arrange comfortable and safe rides to and from medical appointments, errands, and anywhere else you need to go. Wheelchair transport companies will pick you up in a wheelchair-friendly van, SUV, or bus that has a built-in wheelchair ramp or lift. You will not need to get out of your wheelchair at any point during your ride, nor will you have to navigate the public transportation system.

Many insurance plans partially or fully cover wheelchair transport services, and if not you may be able to sign up for a monthly service or pay for individual rides if that is more convenient for your situation.

Consider Moving into a New Home

Where you live makes a huge difference in how easy and independent your life in a wheelchair is. You may decide to move into a smaller, more navigable home, or one that is laid out in a more open way. If your current home has multiple stories and narrow hallways, even making wheelchair-friendly renovations may not be enough to make you feel independent at home.

On the other hand, a home that you can easily get into, out of, and around without assistance will make your daily life much easier and more independent. There is even a growing trend of wheelchair-friendly tiny homes being designed to help those with limited mobility have a home that is affordable and easy to navigate.

Consider In-Home Healthcare

An in-home health aide is a great solution for those who could use a little extra help at home but still want to remain in their own home and live independently. Normally covered by insurance, your in-home health aide can visit a few days a week or even daily, and help with tasks around the home, light cleaning, medication management, personal care, meal prepping, and other tasks that have become too difficult. This lets you stay in your own home and be in charge of your own routine, while also receiving needed help.

By incorporating these tips into your day-to-life you will begin to regain your feeling of independence and self-reliance, while also safeguarding your comfort and health.   
